Introduction section Office for the Coordination of the Administrative Activity to support the Director General of the Treasury

Office for the Coordination of the Administrative Activity to support the Director General of the Treasury

Support to the Director General of the Treasury for the coordination of administrative activity between the Directorates, and between the Department of the Treasury and the Minister's offices working directly with it. Handling of relationships with the Legislative Office: coordination of pre-legislative activity carried out through Parliamentary processes, and activity connected with the preparatory meetings of the Council of Ministers. Coordination of activity and preparation of outlines for directives for organisational changes related to the Department. Monitoring of administrative processes. Coordination of the Department’s activity aimed at preventing corruption, and monitoring of related compliance matters; link with the group supporting the Manager for Corruption Prevention and Transparency. Coordination of documentary flow within the Department and between the Department and other administrations and entities. Secretary for the Committee of Experts.

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