Introduction section Online the latest newsletter Research@theTreasury - January 2015

Online the latest newsletter Research@theTreasury - January 2015

"Research@theTreasury” is a newsletter on the research activities of the Directorate I – Economic and Financial Analysis and Planning of the Department of the Treasury.

It highlights the Working Papers, the Economic Focus and the other products of research published and to be published, the Brown Bag Lunch Meeting and the other events in programme.


Un’assicurazione europea contro la disoccupazione: contesto, analisi e proposte di policy
Author: Gianfranco Becatti, Germana Di Domenico, Giancarlo Infantino

The Merit-Order Effect in the Italian Power Market: the Impact of Solar and Wind Generation on National Wholesale Electricity Prices
Authors: Alessandra Cataldi, Stefano Clò, Pietro Zoppoli

Fiscal Extension to ORANI-IT: a Computable General Equilibrium Tax Model for Italy
Authors: Francesco Felici, Maria Gesualdo

ORANI-IT: a Computable General EEquilibrium Model of Italy
Authors: Francesco Felici, Maria Gesualdo

Rivitalizzare la crescita in Europa puntando su una nuova strategia
Author: Lorenzo Codogno


Do Fiscal Councils impact Fiscal Performance?
Authors: Giovanni Coletta, Carmen Graziano, Giancarlo Infantino

Misurazione dei fenomeni di Base Erosion and Profit Shifting attraverso l’analisi degli FDI
Authors: Paolo Acciari, Francesca Tomarelli, Laura Limosani e Laura Benedetti

Le esportazioni italiane: un’analisi shiftshare
Authors: Andrea Cossio, Cristina Mocci e Filippo Maria Pericoli

Imputation of missing expenditure information in standard household income surveys
Authors: Massimo Baldini, Daniele Pacifico e Federica Termini

Multidimensional poverty in Italy during the crisis
Authors: Daniele Pacifico e Lavinia Rotili

L’efficacia delle politiche monetarie non convenzionali nell’Eurosistema. È arrivato finalmente il momento di una reale politica monetaria unitaria?
Author: Carmen Graziano


CSRs for Italy and Common Challenges in the European Semester
By Lorenzo Codogno (MEF)
January 28, 2015 – Rome - Italo-Spanish seminar organised by the European Commission

Can Euro Area Economic Growth Surprise in 2015?
By Lorenzo Codogno (MEF) January 15, 2015 – London - Evercore ISI Macro Conference

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Working Papers 
Economic Focus 
Studies, Presentations and Speeches
Monthly PIL 
Seminars at the Bank of Italy 
Seminars at EIEF


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