Sottoscrizione al contenuto Economic and financial planning documents

Planning documents play a key role in providing detailed information on the economic policy action taken by the Government and in ensuring its transparency. They set out the Government’s objectives and the tools used to achieve them. However, in addition to this general function, each document has its specific role within the budget process and is related to Italy’s social and economic change. Moreover, as a result of the ongoing European integration process and the serious financial crisis that has hit Europe in the last few years, national economic and fiscal policies are now being coordinated; this has significantly changed the structure of the documents as well as the deadlines for submitting them.


The instruments of the financial programming and budget are provided by Law No. 39 of April 7, 2011, which amended Law No. 196 of 31 December 2009, as a result of the new rules adopted by the European Union in the field of coordination of the economic policies of the Member States and the EU Regulation No. 473/2013 of 21 May 2013 (PDF, 805 KB) on common provisions for monitoring and assessing draft budgetary plans and ensuring the correction of excessive deficit of the Member States of the euro area.

Selection of year of interest

Update to the Economic and Finance Document

Update of the economic and financial document 2017


Report to Parliament 2017 (Italian version)

Report to Parliament 2017 (Italian version)


Relazioni sulle spese di investimento e relative leggi pluriennali 2017 - Vol. I(Italian version) ( Go to external site )

Relazioni sulle spese di investimento e relative leggi pluriennali 2017 - Vol. I(Italian version) ( Go to external site )

Relazioni sulle spese di investimento e relative leggi pluriennali 2017 - Vol. II(Italian version) ( Go to external site )

Relazioni sulle spese di investimento e relative leggi pluriennali 2017 - Vol. II(Italian version) ( Go to external site )

Rapporto sui risultati conseguiti in materia di misure di contrasto all’evasione fiscale e contributiva ( Go to external site )

Rapporto sui risultati conseguiti in materia di misure di contrasto all’evasione fiscale e contributiva ( Go to external site )

Rapporto programmatico recante gli interventi in materia di spese fiscali ( Go to external site )

Rapporto programmatico recante gli interventi in materia di spese fiscali ( Go to external site )

Relazione sull’economia non osservata e sull’evasione fiscale e contributiva anno 2017 ( Go to external site )

Relazione sull’economia non osservata e sull’evasione fiscale e contributiva anno 2017 ( Go to external site )


Economy and Finance Document

Economic and Financial Document - Italy’s Stability Programme


Documento di Economia e Finanza – Analisi e tendenze della finanza pubblica (Italian Version)


Attachment to the section II - Nota metodologica sui criteri di formulazione delle previsioni tendenziali (Italian Version)


Document of Economics and Finance - National Reform Programme


Relazione sui fabbisogni annuali di beni e servizi della PA e sui risparmi conseguiti con il sistema delle convenzioni Consip. L.244/2007, art. 2, cc. 569-574 (Italian Version)


Il benessere equo e sostenibile nel processo decisionale (Italian Version)


Relazione del Ministro dell’ambiente e della tutela del territorio e del mare sullo stato di attuazione degli impegni per la riduzione delle emissioni di gas ad effetto serra. L.39/2011, art. 2, c. 9 (Italian Version)


Connettere l’Italia: fabbisogni e progetti infrastrutturali (Italian Version)


Relazione sugli interventi nelle aree sottoutilizzate. L.196/2009, art. 10. Integrate dal D.Lgs 88/2011, art. 7 (Italian Version)


Rapporto sullo stato di attuazione della Riforma della contabilità e finanza pubblica (Italian Version)


Le Spese dello Stato nelle Regioni e nelle Province Autonome (Italian Version)


Other planning documents

Draft Budgetary Plan 2018 (Link to external page)


The Draft Budgetary Plan (Link to external page)


Methodological notes (Link to external page)


Relevant Factors Influencing Public Debt Developments in Italy-Feb 2017
