Introduction section Offices Directorate I - Economic and Financial Analysis and Research

Offices Directorate I - Economic and Financial Analysis and Research

Office I

General affairs, secretariat and support to the Head of the Directorate in carrying out their management functions and organising their activities. Definition of the Directorate's needs, in cooperation with the Department's offices responsible for exercising cross-departmental functions. Support for the financial management of the resources assigned to the Directorate. Legal, administrative and accounting coordination of the Directorate's research activities. Preparation, presentation and publication of Working Papers, Thematic Notes and other research products. Coordination of the participation in national and international projects in the fields falling within the Directorate's area of responsibility. Management of contracts, collaboration agreements and conventions in the sectors falling within the Directorate's area of responsibility. Participation in the activities of the CEIS (Centre for Economic and International Studies, School of Economics, University of Rome Tor Vergata) and of the OECD Global Forum on Productivity. Support for the editing of the Directorate's economic and financial planning and research documents.

GAMBINI Cristina
Tel. +39 06-47613282
Fax +39 06-47611282


Office II

Analysis and estimation of the productivity growth and of the potential output of the economy, including for the purpose of monitoring and forecasting the structural public-finance balances, and verifying the expenditure rule, significant deviations, and the debt rule. Analysis of the sustainability of the public debt, and pension and healthcare expenditure, in the short, medium and long term. Analysis of supplementary pension programmes, and the adequacy of the pension systems, including through the use of dynamic micro-simulation models (T-DYMM). Contributions to official economic-policy documents, for matters falling within its responsibility. Participation in European Union working groups on the output gap (OGWG) and population ageing (AWG). Support for the Directorate’s activity in relations with international organisations, such as the IMF, the European Commission, the OECD, and rating agencies. Relations with the Parliamentary Budget Office and the State General Accounting Department for matters falling within its responsibility.

BASILE Raffaella
Tel. +39 06-47618334


Office III

Analysis of the Italian and international economy. Management of short-term macroeconomic forecasting models. Preparation of macroeconomic forecast for Italy, for the purpose of drafting programming documents and supporting the assessments of the Minister and the Director General of the Treasury. Analysis of the money supply, credit, and financial stability in Italy and at a global level. Monitoring of indicators of macroeconomic imbalance and related analysis. Development of macroeconomic research activity. Support, for matters falling within its competence, in the drafting of programming documents. Participation in national and international committees and working groups pertaining to themes for which the Office is responsible, and in particular, the OECD Working Group on Short-Term Economic Prospects, STEP, and the EU Expert Group Meetings.


Coordination of the support given to the Head of the Directorate in attending the OECD Economic Policy Committee. Support for the Directorate’s activity in relationships with international organisations, such as the IMF, the European Commission, the OECD and rating agencies, for matters falling within the Office’s responsibility. Relations with the Parliamentary Budget Office, the Department of Finance, and the State General Accounting Office, for matters falling within its responsibility.



Office IV

Development and maintenance of the Directorate's econometric and quantitative models (ITEM, IGEM, QUEST, OEF and CGE), as well as micro econometric models for the analysis of the labour market (Euromod, ITaxSim). Development, in collaboration with Office V, of the energy and climate modules of the Directorate's econometric and quantitative models. Evaluation of the economic impact of economic and fiscal policy measures, public investments and structural reforms with quantitative models. Italy’s representative to the European Union working group on the Methodology for the Evaluation of Structural Reforms (LIME). Support in the preparation of the dossiers for the Economic Policy Committee and the WP1 of the OECD.

TEGAMI Cristian Luciano Luigi
Tel. +39 06-47613839


Office V

Analysis and research on the issues of social and gender inclusion, work, welfare and sustainable development. Contact point for the analysis and the development of the equitable and sustainable well-being indicators (‘BES’) in coordination with the main national actors and for the development and management of models for forecasting such indicators. Technical coordination and preparation of the BES Report and the BES Annex to the Economic and Financial Document (DEF). Participation in the drawing up of the National Sustainable Development Strategy (SNSvS) and in working groups on sustainable finance. Monitoring of Italy's progress on sustainable development indicators (SDGs). Regulatory and economic analysis on energy, climate change, environmental markets (particularly EU-ETS negotiable permits), incentive and sustainable development systems. Participation in national and international committees and working groups on matters within its area of competence, and in particular in the European Union's Working Group on Energy and Climate Change (ECCWG).

BATTLES Susan Elizabeth
Tel. +39 06-47613064


Office VI

Analysis of Italian and European public finance. Assessment of the short-/long-term macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy, with the use of econometric models. Analysis of Italy’s sovereign debt rating and of other EU Member States within the international framework. Development of research activity with regard to the matters under the Office’s responsibility. Coordination of the work and support for the preparation of the Stability Programme and the Update Note of the DEF. Participation in national and international committees and working groups for matters falling within the Office's area of responsibility. Support for the Directorate’s activity in the relationships with international organisations, in particular with the IMF, the European Commission, the OECD and rating agencies. Technical coordination of the relationships with the Parliamentary Budget Office. Collaboration with the Department of Finance and the State General Accounting Office for matters falling within the Office’s responsibility.

VELPI Gabriele
Tel. +39 06-47618337


Office VII

Analysis of the productive sectors of the Italian economy to support the economic research activities of the Directorate and the needs of the Department of the Treasury. Analysis of the impact of economic and fiscal policy measures on productive sectors and firms. Development of micro-founded models to study and assess economic performance and productivity growth based on large company databases. Coordination of the relations with trade associations and enterprises for monitoring production sectors. Collaboration with the Departments of Finance and the State General Accounting Office, as well as with the Ministry of Economic Development for matters falling within its area of responsibility. Coordination of the Directorate's participation in the OECD WP1 working group.

Tel. +39 06-47618335


Office VIII

Analysis of reforms and structural features of the Italian economy. Monitoring of the European Council's recommendations to Italy and updating of the Government's reform timetable in collaboration with the relevant ministries. Technical coordination and preparation of the Italian National Reform Programme (NRP) and related EU requirements. Technical support for the drafting of the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Programme (NRRP) and its eventual updates. Monitoring, analysis and impact assessment of the reforms envisaged in the NRRP in collaboration with the monitoring unit of the State General Accounting Office. Technical coordination of the dialogue with the European Commission within the framework of the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure (MIP).

Tel. +39 06-47616419

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