Introduction section Suppliers' credits towards Public Administration: launch of the new measures

Suppliers' credits towards Public Administration: launch of the new measures

The package binds (for the first time) the public bodies to certify the credits claimed by the enterprises towards the Public Administration for supplies and contracts.
The "credit certification" may be obtained filling in and sending a simple form that is enclosed to the ministerial decrees issued. Within 60 days, the PA is bound to answer and, in the case of its inertia, a commissioner taking over the process will produce the certification.
The credit certification may be used by the enterprises to:
- compensate the debts docketed till 30 April 2012 for fiscal duties (both regional and local) and towards INPS and INAIL (i.e. the State-owned Italian insurance bodies);
- obtain an imprest from banks (that can be bundled with a guarantee of the National Guarantee Fund)
- transfer the credit to have liquidity.


For further information: slides (in Italian only)

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